“Having invested so much effort in building a research engine and a diversified pipeline at Actelion, I am delighted that we can continue to work on these important projects at Idorsia, to realize their potential and advance many fields of medicine.”

- Jean-Paul Clozel, Chairman

What is a birthday?

There is usually not much debate about the exact date of a child’s birthday; however, when it comes to the birthday of a company like Idorsia, one could argue:

Whatever your opinion may be about the company’s actual birthday, there is something we at Idorsia can all agree on: this “baby” was born thanks to the energy and can-do mindset of everyone involved. In building the new company and separating its day-to-day activities from those of its next-door neighbor Actelion, it soon became clear that determination would be required to make Idorsia a reality.

“Idorsia got off to a very positive start with impressive clinical results and productive discussions with health authorities. We made great progress to establish the company while advancing our pipeline without any loss of momentum.”

- Jean-Paul Clozel, Chairman

The challenges were manifold and by no means only of a scientific nature. For example, 40,000 contracts had to be transferred. Who was to pay the electricity and water bills for which buildings? Were there separate meters? What about access to intellectual property, scientific databases, IT infrastructure, and – last but certainly not least – the canteen?

Resolving issues like these in a short timeframe required not only an atmosphere of mutual trust, but also pragmatism and a sense of priorities. A little over a year after the proposed creation of Idorsia was first announced, it can rightly be said that all parties played their full part in the months that followed, and that their constructive approach has been rewarded: Idorsia was fully functional from the demerger from Actelion, and any remaining separation activities were well planned, making this innovative transaction a great success.

Click on the tiles to learn more about the early days of Idorsia