We work continuously to improve and evolve our business so as to reduce our impact and go beyond regulatory requirements. This means managing and monitoring our environmental impacts, specifically those related to energy consumption, emissions, waste, and water.

Our headquarters in Allschwil (Switzerland) is the focus of our environmental impact management, as it is by far our largest site and is where the majority of our pharmaceutical research takes place.

We seek to reduce consumption as far as possible and – in compliance with the requirements specified for large energy consumers in Canton Basel-Landschaft’s Energy Act – we have a formal agreement with the Federal Offices for the Environment and Energy to increase energy efficiency at our headquarters.

Our electricity supply at headquarters is obtained from 100% hydropower, a renewable energy source. Energy at other locations is primarily used for offices, consisting mainly of leased premises.

Read the 2023 Sustainability Report for more information and disclosures.

Our emissions are primarily a result of the combustion of energy sources that are used to generate electricity. 

For Switzerland, the target set in our formal agreement with the Federal Offices for the Environment and Energy is to reduce our CO2 emissions by 20% by 2025, compared to 2016.

More information on the 2023 performance can be found in the 2023 Sustainability Report.

Waste prevention and appropriate disposal are key to safeguarding the environment and conserving raw materials and energy reserves. We aim to limit the environmental impact of our company so as to help ensure a safe and healthy environment for future generations. Most of our waste comes from our headquarters in Switzerland, which is by far our largest operating location. Other significant operating locations consist of leased offices, where waste is primarily domestic.

Read the 2023 Sustainability Report for more information and disclosures.

At Idorsia, water is used for a variety of purposes, such as laboratory experimentation, drinking, facility cooling, cleaning, and maintenance operations. Water management is part of Idorsia’s environmental management system, which covers all significant operating locations. Although our business is not water intensive, we work to minimize the use of this precious resource.

We strictly adhere to all regulations concerning water quality and potential impacts on water resources. As chemical substances may have adverse effects on water quality, our laboratories have strict procedures to prevent hazardous chemicals from being disposed of via the sink and thus entering the water system. Furthermore, we remain compliant with the strict wastewater quality standards set by external regulators.

Read the 2023 Sustainability Report for more information and disclosures.